From Ashes to Enlightenment

The Spiritual Phoenix Studios Blog

This blog is a sanctuary for neurodivergent souls exploring the intersection of magick and spirituality. Discover resources to guide you through spiritual emergencies, support your healing journey, and provide accessible entry points into magical practices. From introductory techniques to advanced explorations, we're here to help you unlock your potential and thrive on your path.

Initiate, Worksheets Spiritual Phoenix Studios Initiate, Worksheets Spiritual Phoenix Studios

Exploring Planetary Days and Hours: Align Your Life with Cosmic Timing Worksheet


This worksheet is designed to help you understand and apply the concept of planetary days and hours in your daily life, rituals, and spiritual practices.


  1. Read the Blog Post: Familiarize yourself with the concepts of planetary days and hours.

  2. Planetary Rulerships: Use the table provided in the blog to identify which planet rules each day.

  3. Plan Activities: Assign specific tasks or intentions to each planetary day and hour using the provided prompts.

  4. Experiment: Track how aligning with planetary energies impacts your daily life or rituals.

  5. Reflect: Use the reflection prompts to deepen your understanding and adjust your practice.

1. Planetary Rulership Table

Sunday - Sun: Vitality, confidence, creativity

  • Planned activity:

Monday - Moon: Intuition, emotions, nurturing

  • Planned activity:

Tuesday - Mars: Action, courage, strength

  • Planned activity:

Wednesday - Mercury: Communication, intellect, adaptability

  • Planned activity:

Thursday - Jupiter: Abundance, growth, wisdom

  • Planned activity:

Friday - Venus: Love, harmony, relationships

  • Planned activity:

Saturday - Saturn: Discipline, structure, perseverance

  • Planned activity:

2. Planetary Hours Tracker

  • Use an online planetary hour calculator or app to determine planetary hours for your location.

  • Record the time for key planetary hours each day for one week.


Planetary Hour:

Ruling Planet:



3. Reflection Prompts

  • How did the planetary qualities align with your planned activities?

  • Did you notice any shifts in productivity, mood, or focus?

  • What planetary energies felt the most supportive for your current goals?

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