Understanding The Sun

The Sun" tarot card from the Rider-Waite-Smith deck is widely recognized as one of the most positive cards in the tarot. It represents joy, success, celebration, and positivity. When this card appears in a reading, it's generally an indication of happiness and fulfillment coming from the achievement of goals and a sense of inner balance. The Sun symbolizes clarity, vitality, and renewed energy. Its appearance often suggests a time where one's path is bathed in the light of understanding, offering a period of warmth and optimism.

In terms of personal growth, "The Sun" signifies a phase of enlightenment and profound understanding. It indicates a time when an individual's self-confidence is high, allowing them to shine in their endeavors and relationships. This card is associated with the success that comes from hard work and the realization of one's personal power. It also highlights the importance of enjoying the simple pleasures of life, encouraging a childlike sense of wonder and enjoyment. The Sun's energy is invigorating, fostering a positive outlook that helps overcome obstacles with ease and confidence.

Key Meanings

  • Joy and success: Symbolizes happiness, success, and fulfillment in various aspects of life.

  • Clarity and vitality: Represents clarity of thought, vitality, and a rejuvenated spirit.

  • Confidence and celebration: Indicates high self-confidence and a time for celebrating achievements.

  • Optimism and positivity: Emphasizes a positive outlook, optimism, and enjoying life's simple pleasures.


  • Minor setbacks: Suggests temporary delays or setbacks, with an overall positive outcome still possible.

  • Pessimism and misunderstanding: Indicates feelings of pessimism or issues arising from misunderstandings.

  • Reduced vitality: Represents a period of low energy, lethargy, or lack of enthusiasm.

  • Overconfidence or neglect: Warns against overconfidence or neglecting the simple joys and pleasures of life.

Related Cards

  • The Magician

  • The Hermit

  • The Wheel of Fortune


  • Harmony and joy at home: Represents a period of happiness, warmth, and harmony within the household.

  • Prosperity and comfort: Suggests a phase of prosperity, comfort, and well-being in the home environment.

  • Positive changes: Indicates positive changes or improvements in the home, like renovations or redecorations that bring joy.

  • Strong family bonds: Reflects strong, healthy family relationships and a nurturing, supportive home life.


  • Joyful and fulfilling relationships: Symbolizes happiness, fulfillment, and joy in personal relationships.

  • Positive growth: Indicates positive growth and development in a relationship, moving towards a deeper connection.

  • Open and honest communication: Emphasizes clear, open, and honest communication between partners.

  • Celebration of love: Suggests a time for celebrating the love and bond shared, possibly indicating milestones like engagements, weddings, or anniversaries.


  • Career success and achievement: Indicates a period of success and achievement in your career, with recognition and possible promotions.

  • Positive work environment: Suggests a harmonious and positive work environment, with good relationships among colleagues.

  • Personal fulfillment in career: Represents feeling personally fulfilled and satisfied with your career progress and direction.

  • New opportunities and growth: Points to new opportunities for professional growth, such as exciting projects or learning experiences.


  • 7/21-8/20

Astro Connection


  • Life force and vitality: Represents the core of our being, our life force, and vitality.

  • Self-expression and identity: Relates to our sense of self, ego, and how we express our individuality.

  • Clarity and consciousness: Symbolizes clarity, consciousness, and the light of awareness.

  • Growth and creativity: Associated with growth, creativity, and the energy that drives ambition and achievement.



  • Passion and energy: Represents passion, energy, and enthusiasm.

  • Transformation and renewal: Fire signifies transformation, renewal, and the purging of the old to make way for the new.

  • Inspiration and assertiveness: Symbolizes inspiration, assertiveness, and the courage to take action.

  • Spontaneity and impulse: Indicates a tendency towards spontaneity, impulse, and the spark of life that drives creativity and action.

The Sun Numerology

In numerology, "The Sun" tarot card holds the number 19, which carries significant symbolism. The number 1 in 19 represents beginnings, leadership, and initiative, suggesting a pioneering spirit and self-reliance. The number 9 signifies endings, wisdom, and the completion of a cycle, indicating a phase of culmination and the achievement of goals. When reduced (1 + 9), it becomes 10, and further to 1 (1 + 0), emphasizing a full cycle from start (1) to completion (9) and back to new beginnings (1), aligning with the Sun's themes of rebirth, renewal, and the perpetual cycle of growth and change.

The Sun Symbolism

The most important aspects of symbolism for this card are as follows:

  • The Sun: Represents life, vitality, and energy; symbolizes clarity, enlightenment, and the truth.

  • The Child: Often depicted riding a white horse, symbolizes innocence, joy, and a new beginning; represents the purity of spirit.

  • Sunflowers: Typically shown in the background, represent happiness, positivity, and adoration; they also symbolize loyalty and longevity.

  • The Red Flag: Held by the child, symbolizes action, movement, and passion; it's a call to action to embrace life's opportunities.

  • The Wall or Garden: Often seen enclosing the child and sunflowers, signifies protection, safety, and the boundaries between the conscious and subconscious.

  • The White Horse: Represents purity, strength, and nobility; signifies the driving force of life and the purity of spirit.

  • The Radiant Sun: The rays emanating from the sun symbolize the universal influence of the sun, spreading warmth and life energy.

  • Colors: Bright yellow of the sun for joy and vitality; white for purity and innocence; and green for growth and renewal.

The Sun Meaning

The upright meaning of "The Sun" tarot card is a profoundly positive one, symbolizing joy, success, and abundance in various aspects of life. It represents a period of clarity, vitality, and enlightenment, where things come to light and are understood with greater depth. This card suggests a time of happiness and fulfillment, both personally and professionally, and encourages embracing life with optimism and enthusiasm. The presence of "The Sun" in a reading is a reminder of the power of a positive outlook and the importance of celebrating life's achievements.

The Sun Reversed Meaning

The reversed meaning of "The Sun" tarot card suggests temporary setbacks, misunderstandings, or a lack of joy in certain areas of life. It indicates a time where clarity may be obscured, leading to feelings of pessimism or a sense of being drained of energy. This reversed position can also warn against overconfidence or the neglect of simpler, yet significant aspects of life. Overall, it serves as a reminder to reevaluate one's current situation, to find the hidden positivity, and to realign with the card's inherently optimistic nature.

The Sun Meaning Home

When "The Sun" tarot card appears upright in the context of home life, it signifies a period of happiness, harmony, and prosperity within the home. It suggests a time of joyous gatherings, warmth, and strong familial bonds, where the home environment feels particularly nurturing and supportive. This card often indicates positive changes or improvements in the home, like a renovation or redecoration that brings new energy and happiness. Overall, "The Sun" in a home life context reflects a phase of contentment, security, and the enjoyment of a peaceful and loving domestic life.

The Sun Reversed Meaning Home

When "The Sun" tarot card appears reversed in the context of home life, it can indicate a temporary disruption of harmony and joy within the household. This position might suggest conflicts or misunderstandings among family members, or a general feeling of unhappiness or discontent at home. It can also point to delays or setbacks in home-related plans, such as issues with home improvement projects or challenges in creating a comfortable living environment. However, even in its reversed position, "The Sun" carries a fundamentally positive energy, hinting that these challenges are temporary and that with effort and communication, the warmth and joy of the home can be restored.

The Sun Meaning Relationships

In the context of relationships, "The Sun" tarot card in its upright position heralds a time of joy, fulfillment, and positive energy. This card suggests a phase of clarity and honest communication in relationships, where mutual understanding and deep connections thrive. It often signifies a period of celebration, possibly marking significant relationship milestones such as engagements, weddings, or renewals of commitment. Overall, "The Sun" brings an optimistic message of happiness, growth, and a strong, vibrant connection in romantic and other close personal relationships.

The Sun Reversed Meaning Relationships

When "The Sun" tarot card appears reversed in a relationship context, it often indicates a temporary phase of misunderstanding, lack of clarity, or diminished joy in the relationship. This could manifest as feeling disconnected from one's partner, experiencing communication issues, or facing a period of doubt and uncertainty. The card in this position can also suggest an imbalance, where one or both partners may be overly optimistic or unrealistic about the relationship's state. However, the inherent positivity of "The Sun" suggests these issues are surmountable, encouraging a reevaluation of expectations and communication to restore harmony and happiness.

The Sun Meaning Career

In a career context, "The Sun" card in its upright position signifies a highly positive phase, marked by success, recognition, and achievement. It indicates a period where your hard work and efforts are likely to be rewarded, leading to career advancements, promotions, or successful completion of important projects. This card also suggests a harmonious and vibrant work environment, where relationships with colleagues and superiors are supportive and encouraging. Overall, "The Sun" symbolizes a time of great personal satisfaction and fulfillment in your career, along with the potential for new, exciting opportunities and growth.

The Sun Reversed Meaning Career

When "The Sun" tarot card appears reversed in a career context, it suggests potential challenges or setbacks in your professional life. This could manifest as feeling undervalued, overlooked for promotions, or encountering obstacles in achieving your career goals. The card in this position may also indicate a lack of clarity or direction in your career path, leading to feelings of dissatisfaction or uncertainty about the future. However, the reversed Sun still holds a message of hope, indicating that these challenges are temporary and can be overcome with perseverance and a reevaluation of your career goals and strategies.

The Sun Journal Prompts

The Sun is asking you to consider the following questions:

  • What brings me joy and radiance in my life? Reflect on the activities, people, and experiences that genuinely make you happy and how you can incorporate more of them into your life.

  • Am I being true to myself and embracing my authentic nature? Consider whether you are living in alignment with your true values and aspirations, or if you're hiding behind a facade.

  • What obstacles or self-doubts may be clouding my optimism and self-assuredness? Explore any internal or external factors that might be hindering your ability to see the bright side of things and work on addressing them.

  • How can I maintain my positivity and vitality even when faced with challenges? Think about strategies and mindsets that can help you stay optimistic and resilient, even during difficult moments, and how you can tap into your inner strength.