Understanding the High Priestess

The High Priestess from the Rider-Waite Smith Tarot Deck is a card that embodies mystery, intuition, and the unconscious mind. It represents the deep wisdom and inner knowledge that resides within us, often hidden from conscious awareness. This card suggests a need to trust your intuition and follow your instincts, as it can lead you to uncover hidden truths and navigate through complex situations. The High Priestess is a symbol of the sacred feminine, highlighting the power of receptivity, introspection, and inner guidance.

Esoteric Tarot Class
Sale Price: $50.00 Original Price: $100.00

Key Meanings

  • Intuition and inner wisdom.

  • Connection to the subconscious mind.

  • Secrets, mysteries, and hidden knowledge.

  • Trusting your instincts and inner guidance.


  • Ignoring or doubting your intuition.

  • Being disconnected from your inner self.

  • Difficulty accessing your inner wisdom.

  • Hidden truths remaining concealed.

Related Cards

  • Twos

  • The Empress

  • The Hermit

  • The Hanged man

  • The Moon


  • A need for introspection and inner reflection in your home life.

  • Trusting your instincts when making domestic decisions.

  • Creating a peaceful and harmonious home environment.

  • A time of heightened intuition within the family.


  • An emphasis on emotional and spiritual connection in relationships.

  • Trusting your instincts about your partner or potential love interest.

  • Encouraging open and deep communication.

  • Exploring the mysteries of your relationship and your partner's hidden depths.


  • Suggests a need to trust your intuition in career decisions.

  • A time of quiet contemplation and planning in your professional life.

  • The emergence of hidden opportunities or insights in your work.

  • Highlighting the importance of intuition and creativity in your career.


  • 6/21 - 7/20

Astro Connection


  • Emotions, intuition, and psychic sensitivity.

  • Cycles and phases, reflecting the ebb and flow of life.

  • The unconscious mind and hidden aspects of the self.

  • Feminine energy, nurturing, and receptivity.



  • Emotions, feelings, and deep inner experiences.

  • The power of intuition and receptivity.

  • Nurturing and healing aspects of life.

  • Adaptability and the ability to flow with change.

The High Priestess Numerology

The High Priestess is the second card in the Major Arcana, bearing the number 2. This number signifies balance, harmony, and duality. It represents the unity of opposites, where the conscious and unconscious minds come together. In numerology, 2 is associated with receptivity, cooperation, and the balance between feminine and masculine energies. The number 2 highlights the need to trust your inner wisdom and intuition, emphasizing the importance of balance and harmony in your life.

The High Priestess Symbolism

The most important aspects of symbolism for this card are as follows:

  • The High Priestess sits between two pillars, symbolizing duality and the veil between conscious and subconscious.

  • She holds a scroll, representing hidden knowledge and the secrets of the universe.

  • The crescent moon at her feet represents the moon's cycles and intuition.

  • The pomegranates on her dress symbolize fertility and the mysteries of life.

The High Priestess Meaning

Upright, the High Priestess encourages you to trust your intuition and explore the depths of your inner wisdom. This card symbolizes the power of receptivity and introspection, urging you to connect with your inner self and listen to your instincts. It signifies a time of mystery and hidden truths coming to the surface. In your personal and professional life, the High Priestess suggests that the answers you seek may lie within your own intuition and subconscious mind. It's a card of deep spirituality and feminine energy, guiding you to tap into your innate psychic abilities and navigate life with grace and intuition.

The High Priestess Reversed Meaning

Reversed, the High Priestess may indicate a disconnection from your intuition and inner guidance. You might be ignoring your instincts or struggling to access your inner wisdom. This card reversed can also point to hidden truths remaining concealed or a reluctance to explore deeper aspects of yourself or situations. It's a reminder to reconnect with your intuition and explore the mysteries that lie beneath the surface, as avoiding them could lead to missed opportunities or confusion in your life.

The High Priestess Meaning Home

In the context of home life, the High Priestess urges you to create a serene and introspective environment. It's a time for trusting your instincts about domestic decisions and fostering a harmonious atmosphere within your family. Encourage open and deep communication with your loved ones and be receptive to the unspoken emotions and thoughts. Intuition and emotional connection become essential in maintaining a peaceful and nurturing home life.

The High Priestess Reversed Meaning Home

When reversed in home life, the High Priestess may suggest a disconnect from your intuition and inner guidance within your domestic surroundings. This could lead to a lack of harmony and misunderstandings. It's crucial to address hidden issues and encourage open, heartfelt communication within the family. Be cautious of ignoring emotional undercurrents, as they can affect the atmosphere of your home.

The High Priestess Meaning Relationships

In relationships, the High Priestess emphasizes the importance of emotional and spiritual connections. Trust your intuition about your partner or potential love interest, as there may be hidden depths to explore. Encourage open and profound communication, nurturing the mysteries of your relationship, and embrace the profound emotional and psychic aspects of your connection. This card suggests that a deep bond is possible through shared introspection and trust in your instincts.

The High Priestess Reversed Meaning Relationships

When reversed in relationships, the High Priestess may indicate a lack of emotional and spiritual connection with your partner. This could lead to misunderstandings and missed opportunities for growth. It's important to reconnect with your intuition and explore the hidden aspects of your relationship. Avoid ignoring emotional issues or dismissing your instincts. Rekindling the spiritual and emotional connection is essential to restore harmony and depth to your relationships.

The High Priestess Meaning Career

In your career, The High Priestess encourages you to trust your intuition and embrace the mysteries of your job. Take time for contemplation and analysis; you might discover hidden solutions and opportunities for professional growth.

The High Priestess Reversed Meaning Career

When reversed, this card can indicate a refusal to trust your intuition at work or a reluctance to explore the unknown. It's important to reconnect with your inner wisdom to find solutions and make the most of your career.

The High Priestess Journal Prompts

The High Priestess is asking you to consider the following questions:

  • How can I better connect with my intuition and inner wisdom in my daily life?

  • What hidden truths or mysteries might I be ignoring or overlooking in my current situations?

  • How can I foster a deeper sense of introspection and receptivity in my relationships and home life?

  • What steps can I take to balance my rational and intuitive approaches to decision-making and problem-solving?

Esoteric Tarot Class
Sale Price: $50.00 Original Price: $100.00