Understanding The Chariot

The Chariot represents a journey of determination, control, and victory over challenges. It symbolizes the ability to harness one's inner strength, willpower, and direction to overcome obstacles and achieve success. This card embodies the idea of staying focused on a specific goal, steering through life's ups and downs, and asserting control over one's destiny.

Esoteric Tarot Class
Sale Price: $50.00 Original Price: $100.00

Key Meanings

  • Determination, willpower, and self-discipline.

  • Overcoming obstacles and challenges with control.

  • Focused and directed action toward a goal.

  • A victorious and triumphant journey.


  • Lack of control or direction, feeling scattered.

  • Struggles and obstacles hindering progress.

  • A stalled or stalled journey.

  • Overconfidence leading to setbacks.

Related Cards

  • 7’s

  • The Tower

  • The Star


  • A harmonious and disciplined home environment.

  • A family united in pursuit of a common goal.

  • Household projects or renovations that require determination.

  • A sense of control and victory in home-related matters.


  • A strong, assertive, and controlling partner.

  • Overcoming challenges together as a couple.

  • Mutual determination to work through relationship issues.

  • A victorious and triumphant relationship.


  • Career advancement through determination and focus.

  • Navigating workplace challenges with control.

  • Goal-oriented and successful career progress.

  • A victorious and triumphant career journey.


  • 6/21 - 7/20

Astro Connection


  • Emotion and intuition.

  • Inner strength and determination.

  • Nurturing and protective qualities.

  • Cycles of change and evolution.



  • Emotional depth and intuition.

  • Adaptability and fluidity.

  • Connection to the subconscious mind.

  • Nurturing and healing qualities.

The Chariot Numerology

The Chariot card is card number 7 in the Tarot, signifying challenges and the need to overcome obstacles. It represents the journey of self-discovery and triumph over adversity.

The Chariot Symbolism

The most important aspects of symbolism for this card are as follows:

  • Charioteer: The central figure in the chariot represents the individual, signifying control, determination, and willpower.

  • Chariot: The chariot itself symbolizes the vehicle of progress and the controlled journey toward a goal.

  • Two Sphinxes: The opposing sphinxes pulling the chariot represent opposing forces or dualities, such as the conscious and subconscious mind, that need to be harnessed and controlled.

  • Crescent Moons: The crescent moons on the charioteer's shoulders symbolize the intuitive and emotional aspects of the journey.

  • Starred Canopy: The starry canopy above the charioteer suggests guidance from higher realms, inspiration, and higher purpose.

  • Square on the Chariot: The square on the front of the chariot represents stability, control, and the idea of a controlled, earthly journey.

  • Black and White Sphinxes: The black and white sphinxes may represent opposing forces, such as light and dark, and the need to balance and control these energies.The Chariot Meaning

The Chariot Meaning

In its upright position, The Chariot card signifies a journey of determination, control, and triumph over obstacles. It encourages you to stay focused on your goals, use your inner strength, and assert control over your destiny. This card represents a time of victory and achievement.

The Chariot Reversed Meaning

Reversed, The Chariot may indicate a lack of control or direction, with obstacles hindering progress. It could also suggest overconfidence leading to setbacks. It's a reminder to reevaluate your goals and regain control.

The Chariot Meaning Home

In the home, The Chariot card signifies a harmonious and disciplined environment, where family members are united in pursuit of common goals. It may involve projects or renovations that require determination and a sense of control.

The Chariot Reversed Meaning Home

When reversed in the home, The Chariot suggests a lack of control or direction, potentially leading to household challenges or stalled projects. It's a call to reestablish control and focus.

The Chariot Meaning Relationships

In relationships, The Chariot represents a strong, assertive, and controlling partner. It indicates overcoming challenges together as a couple and working through relationship issues with determination. The relationship is marked by a sense of victory and triumph.

The Chariot Reversed Meaning Home

When reversed in the home, The Chariot suggests a lack of control or direction, potentially leading to household challenges or stalled projects. It's a call to reestablish control and focus.

The Chariot Meaning Career

In a career context, The Chariot signifies career advancement through determination and focus. It represents navigating workplace challenges with control and making goal-oriented and successful career progress. It's a time of victorious and triumphant career achievements.

The Chariot Reversed Meaning Career

When reversed in career matters, The Chariot may suggest struggles and obstacles hindering progress. It could indicate a lack of control or overconfidence leading to setbacks in your career. It's a reminder to reevaluate your goals and regain control.

The Chariot Journal Prompts

The Chariot is asking you to consider the following questions:

  • What are my current goals, and how determined am I to achieve them?

  • In what areas of my life do I need to exercise more self-discipline and control?

  • Have I encountered any recent challenges or obstacles, and how can I overcome them?

  • How can I stay focused and directed on my journey towards success?

Esoteric Tarot Class
Sale Price: $50.00 Original Price: $100.00