Understanding the King of Pentacles
The King of Pentacles is a person with a plan and the ability to execute it! They are trustworthy, giving, and resources of practical support. Security is essential, and they will take the necessary steps to protect boundaries and maintain stability. Be mindful, though, while just and fair, this card does not suffer fools lightly.
Key Meanings
Related Cards
The Emperor
The Hierophant
The Tower
Head of household
Well maintained homestead
Secure and stable homefront
A stable partner
Someone with a lot to offer
Self Employed
Stable income
August 11th - September 10th
1 year or more
14 years
Astro Connection
Aries and Taurus:
Encouraging and Intelligent
Magnetic and Loyal
Stubborn and Dominating
Possessive and Spiteful
King of Pentacles Numerology
Kings are symbols of authority are the 14th card of each suit, in tarot, the number 14 is associated with Temperance which is primarily about balance. Combining the previous understandings with the suit of pentacles, which represents the material world, career, and finances we come to the following understanding. The King of Pentacles is successful and secure because he is able to fairly assess the reality of a situation and rule in favor of the greater good.
King of Pentacles Symbolism
The most important aspects of symbolism for this card are as follows:
The 4 bulls: Associated with Taurus and numerically link to his ancestor the Emperor
Right foot on boars head: Mastery over base instinct
Wall and towers: Security
Red cowl: Willingness to act
Gold crown: Higher levels of thinking
King of Pentacles Meaning
You or your querent knows what they want out of life and are willing to work for it. Generally, this card shows someone who has worked hard for their status in life and as such, they are capable of making wise decisions. They don’t view the world through feelings so much as intellect and practicality. While people might mistake these actions as cold or calculating at times, nothing could be further from the truth. There’s a power few people can yield wisely in this king’s stoic nature.
King of Pentacles Reversal Meaning
You or your querent has lost balance and as a result, they are facing a collapse or break down. While your tendency may be to try to save the world as it’s falling down around you, sometimes, you need to just watch it burn. Much like the tower, you’re better off not resisting what’s already happening. Assess your situation, learn where YOU made a mistake, adjust your plans accordingly and get back to work. This isn’t the time for a pity party.
Self Reflection
The King of Pentacles is asking you to consider the following questions:
How can you take better control of your life?
How can you better manage my resources for your success?
When have you invested your resources (time, money, attention) wisely?
What does security look and feel like to you?