Understanding Justice
The Justice card embodies fairness, balance, and moral integrity. It signifies the need for truth, accountability, and the consequences of one's actions. In a broader sense, it represents karmic justice, indicating that what goes around comes around. This card encourages you to weigh your decisions carefully, seek fairness in your interactions, and embrace the principles of right and wrong.
Key Meanings
Fairness, balance, and moral integrity.
Legal matters and justice served.
Accountability for one's actions.
Making decisions based on ethics and principles.
Injustice, unfairness, or dishonesty.
Legal issues or disputes going awry.
Avoiding responsibility for one's actions.
A lack of moral or ethical consideration.
Related Cards
The High Priestess
A harmonious and just home environment.
Fairness and equality among household members.
Encouragement to resolve disputes or conflicts peacefully.
Promoting ethical values within the home.
Fair and balanced relationships based on trust and integrity.
Resolving conflicts and misunderstandings through open communication.
Accountability for one's actions within the relationship.
Encouraging fairness and equality in love and partnerships.
Fair treatment and just decisions in the workplace.
Legal matters or contracts proceeding smoothly.
Emphasizing ethics and moral values in your career.
Making balanced and impartial decisions in professional life.
4/21 - 5/20
9/21 - 10/20
Astro Connection
Balance and fairness.
Harmony and diplomacy.
A focus on partnerships and relationships.
A pursuit of justice and truth.
Intellect and reason.
Communication and clarity.
Objectivity and impartiality.
The power of the mind.
Justice Numerology
Justice is card number 11 in the RWS Tarot, signifying balance, fairness, and harmony. It represents the ethical principles that guide our actions.
Justice Symbolism
The most important aspects of symbolism for this card are as follows:
The Scales: The most prominent symbol, the scales, represents balance, fairness, and impartiality. They emphasize the need for equitable judgment and decision-making.
The Sword: The double-edged sword held upright indicates the precision and consequence of judgment. It symbolizes the power of truth and cutting through deceit.
The Crown: The crown atop the figure's head signifies authority, power, and regality. The letter "T" on the crown stands for "tarot," emphasizing the wisdom and guidance found in the Tarot.
The Purple Robe: The purple robe suggests regality and authority. It represents the importance of upholding ethical principles and maintaining a sense of justice.
The Red Robe: The red robe beneath the outer cloak symbolizes the passion for justice. It underscores the significance of passion and dedication in pursuit of fairness.
The Pomegranates: The pomegranates depicted on the tapestry at the figure's feet represent fertility and the consequences of one's choices. They remind us that our actions lead to outcomes.
The Grey Background: The neutral and unassuming background highlights the objective and impartial nature of justice, free from bias.
The Upheld Right Hand: The upheld right hand is a gesture of sworn oath and truth. It signifies the commitment to truth and fairness.
The Downward Left Hand: The downward left hand signifies the bestowal of punishment for wrongdoing. It emphasizes that actions have consequences.
The Book of Law: In some decks, a book is held in the left hand, representing law and justice. It suggests the need for a fair interpretation of the law.
Justice Meaning
In its upright position, the Justice card signifies fairness, balance, and moral integrity. It encourages you to make decisions based on ethics, seek accountability for your actions, and embrace the principles of right and wrong. Legal matters are likely to be resolved justly, and your life should reflect a sense of equilibrium and truth.
Justice Reversed Meaning
When reversed, the Justice card may indicate injustice, unfairness, or dishonesty. Legal issues or disputes might take a negative turn, and there could be a lack of accountability for one's actions. It's crucial to address and correct any moral or ethical imbalances in your life.
Justice Meaning Home
In the home, the Justice card represents a harmonious and just environment where fairness and equality among household members are upheld. It encourages the peaceful resolution of disputes or conflicts, promoting ethical values within your domestic life.
Justice Reversed Meaning Home
When reversed in the home, the Justice card may signify a lack of fairness or integrity within the household. It could indicate conflicts or disputes that are not being resolved fairly, and ethical values may be compromised. It's essential to address and correct any imbalances to restore harmony.
Justice Meaning Relationships
In relationships, the Justice card symbolizes fair and balanced interactions founded on trust and integrity. It encourages resolving conflicts and misunderstandings through open communication, emphasizing accountability for one's actions. This card promotes fairness and equality in love and partnerships.
Justice Reversed Meaning Relationships
Reversed in relationships, the Justice card may suggest issues of unfairness or dishonesty. Conflicts or misunderstandings may go unresolved, and individuals may avoid taking responsibility for their actions. Ethical considerations could be lacking. It's vital to address these imbalances to restore integrity in your relationships.
Justice Meaning Career
In a career context, the Justice card represents fair treatment and just decisions in the workplace. Legal matters or contracts are likely to proceed smoothly, and the emphasis is on ethical values. Making balanced and impartial decisions is crucial for professional success.
Justice Reversed Meaning Career
When reversed in career matters, the Justice card may indicate issues of unfairness or dishonesty in the workplace. Legal matters or contracts might face challenges, and individuals may avoid taking responsibility for their actions. It's important to address these imbalances to maintain a sense of integrity in your career.
Justice Journal Prompts
Justice is asking you to consider the following questions:
How do I approach ethical decisions in my life, and do I prioritize fairness and justice?
Are there any unresolved conflicts or misunderstandings in my relationships that need my attention?
What legal matters or contracts are currently impacting my career, and am I satisfied with the fairness of these agreements?
How can I bring more balance and harmony into my daily life and promote ethical values in my interactions?