From Ashes to Enlightenment

The Spiritual Phoenix Studios Blog

Explore the mystical realms of spirituality with our blog. Our engaging content offers insights into tarot reading, crystal healing, Reiki practices, and facets of the occult. Located in Girard, Ohio, we guide novices and seasoned spiritual seekers on transformative journeys. Embrace wisdom, ignite curiosity, and discover a path to personal enlightenment with us.

Spiritual Phoenix Studios Spiritual Phoenix Studios

Tarot Spreads for Every Occasion: Finding Answers in the Cards

Greetings, spiritual seekers! Today, at Spiritual Phoenix Studios, your go-to metaphysical hub in Girard, Ohio, we're exploring the transformative power of Tarot cards. Tarot offers profound insights into life’s complexities, and knowing the right spreads can make all the difference. Whether you're navigating a tough decision or seeking general guidance, the Tarot has something to offer.

The Importance of Tarot Spreads

A Tarot spread refers to the pattern in which cards are laid out for a reading. Different spreads serve unique purposes and focus on specific questions. Choosing the correct spread helps channel the energies and messages of the Tarot cards more accurately.

Three-Card Spread: Quick Insight

Ideal for beginners or quick readings, the three-card spread offers succinct yet insightful perspectives. The typical layout is:

  1. Past: The root cause or background of the situation.

  2. Present: Current challenges or blessings.

  3. Future: Possible outcomes based on current actions.

The Celtic Cross: Detailed Exploration

This spread provides an in-depth look at your question or situation. It uses ten cards, each signifying different elements like present challenges, future outcomes, and underlying influences.

Relationship Spread: Matters of the Heart

Whether you're single or in a partnership, the Relationship Spread can offer keen insights. Cards usually represent:

  1. Your Current State

  2. Partner's Current State

  3. Your Needs

  4. Partner's Needs

  5. Current Challenges

  6. Potential Future

Chakra Spread: Balancing Energies

This seven-card layout focuses on the primary chakras and offers guidance on clearing energy blockages. Each card corresponds to a chakra, giving insights into your emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being.

Creating Your Own Spread

Once you become more comfortable with Tarot, you may opt to create your own spreads tailored to your unique questions or concerns. The Tarot is a flexible tool, ready to adapt to your spiritual needs.

Where to Get Your Tarot Cards

Still don’t have your Tarot deck? We offer a wide range of Tarot cards, oracle cards, and Lenormand cards at Spiritual Phoenix Studios. Feel free to book an appointment to explore our selection!

Closing Thoughts

Tarot spreads offer different windows through which we can view our questions and concerns. By understanding the characteristics and applications of various spreads, you can deepen your connection with the Tarot and enjoy richer, more insightful readings.

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Don’t forget to read our other blog posts here.

Feel free to dive deeper into any of these Tarot spreads by booking a personalized Tarot reading session at Spiritual Phoenix Studios, where we aim to elevate your spiritual journey one card at a time.

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The Science of Smudging: Clearing Energy with Sacred Herbs

The captivating dance of smoke, the rich, earthy aroma, and the entrancing ritualistic process – smudging is a revered practice rooted in indigenous cultures that's found its way into contemporary metaphysical and wellness practices. But beyond the beautiful visuals and the olfactory delight, there's fascinating science behind this ancient tradition. Nestled in Girard, Ohio, Spiritual Phoenix Studios offers not just the tools for smudging but a deep respect for the practice. Dive with us into the world of smudging and uncover how science and spirituality converge.

Historical Roots of Smudging

Smudging, a ceremonial act of burning sacred plants to produce smoke, is steeped in tradition. Native American communities, particularly, have employed smudging for millennia for spiritual cleansing, protection, and blessing. It's not merely a symbolic act; it's an energy-clearing ritual.

In today's diverse spiritual landscape, practices like smudging have transcended their cultural origins. At places like Spiritual Phoenix Studios, this practice is made available with reverence for its roots, ensuring that everyone understands its deep significance.

The Science Behind the Smoke

While the metaphysical benefits of smudging are widely accepted among spiritual communities, what does science have to say? Here's a breakdown:

  • Air Purification: When herbs like sage are burned, they release negative ions. This is significant because our homes are often filled with positive ions emitted by electronic devices. Studies suggest that negative ions can neutralize positive ions, essentially purifying the air and reducing harmful particles.

  • Anti-Bacterial Properties: A study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology found that medicinal smoke reduces airborne bacteria. When certain herbs are burned, the smoke can clear a wide range of harmful bacteria in the air, with the effects lasting up to 24 hours or more.

  • Mood Enhancer: There's evidence that suggests the act of smudging can elevate one's mood. The ritual can invoke feelings of peace and harmony, which can reduce stress and promote overall well-being.

Choosing the Right Herb

Different herbs offer unique properties when burned. Here's a quick guide:

  • White Sage: Known for its potent cleansing abilities, white sage is a favorite for many. It purifies spaces, clears negative energies, and can even usher in positive vibes.

  • Sweetgrass: With its pleasant scent, sweetgrass is often burned after smudging with sage to bring in positive energy and invite good spirits.

  • Palo Santo: Translating to "holy wood", Palo Santo is revered for its spiritually uplifting properties. It's also believed to invite creativity and love into one's space.

  • Lavender: Beyond its delightful aroma, burning lavender is thought to promote calmness and tranquility.

Tips for an Effective Smudging Ritual

  • Set an intention: Before you begin, be clear about why you're smudging. Is it for purification, relaxation, or spiritual connection? Setting an intention deepens the ritual's effect.

  • Open windows and doors: Let the negative energy and impurities have an exit route.

  • Be respectful: Remember that smudging has deep, sacred roots. Approach the ritual with respect and gratitude.

Discover More at Spiritual Phoenix Studios

Embracing the world of metaphysics means walking the line between science and spirituality. And at Spiritual Phoenix Studios in Girard, Ohio, this balance is our ethos. Whether you're seeking hand-crafted wire wrap jewelry that resonates with your energy, tarot cards for introspection, or Reiki healing for a dose of holistic wellness, our doors are open (by appointment) to guide your spiritual journey.

Delve deeper into practices that have stood the test of time, reemerging in our modern world with a blend of ancient wisdom and contemporary understanding. Join us at From Ashes to Enlightenment, and let's embark on this journey of discovery together.

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The Mysteries of Runes: A Divination Tool from Ancient Times

In the intricate tapestry of divination methods, runes hold a unique place. Originating from ancient Northern Europe, these symbolic stones weave together history, mythology, and spirituality. While the heart of Spiritual Phoenix Studios lies with crystals, tarot, and other spiritual tools, we recognize the significance of diverse practices. Let's explore the runes, their origins, and how they've become an enchanting aspect of spiritual divination even today.

A Brief Dive into Runic History

Runes are alphabetic characters used by the ancient Germanic tribes of Europe, Scandinavia, and Britain long before the Latin alphabet was adopted. But beyond their primary use as a writing system, runes held a deep spiritual significance for the Norse and other Germanic peoples.

  • Elder Futhark: The oldest known form of the runic alphabet, comprising 24 characters, it was used primarily from the 2nd to the 8th centuries.

  • Younger Futhark: Evolving around the 9th century, this variant consisted of fewer characters - 16 and was used in Scandinavia during the Viking Age.

  • Anglo-Saxon Futhorc: Used by the early English and Frisians, it boasted 33 runes and showcased some distinct variations from its Elder counterpart.

Historically, runes were carved onto stone, metal, or wood. They were deemed powerful symbols of protection, magic, and divination. Indeed, the word "rune" itself translates to "secret" or "whisper."

Runes as a Divinatory Tool

Runes transitioned from mere alphabets to mystical symbols. They were believed to hold the secrets of the universe. Runic divination or "casting the runes" is the most common modern usage. Similar to tarot reading, runes provide insights into the past, present, or future based on the symbolism of the rune drawn.

Each rune stone carries a specific meaning. When posed with a question, individuals would draw a rune (or several runes) from a bag and interpret the message or guidance each one conveyed. While the interpretation could be intuitive, based on the querent's connection to the symbols, many also refer to ancient rune poems or established rune meanings for clarity.

Relevance in Modern Spiritual Practices

Although runes originated thousands of years ago, their spiritual appeal remains untarnished. Today, there is a resurgence in interest around runic divination, particularly amongst those who feel connected to Norse traditions or are merely intrigued by the system's rich history.

Modern spiritual seekers appreciate the directness of runes. Each character's powerful symbolism offers insightful, often profound advice. Even for those outside of Norse traditions, runes present a captivating way to connect with ancestral energies and ancient wisdom.

  • Personal Growth: Many use runes for introspection, seeking guidance in personal development, and understanding one's path.

  • Meditation: By focusing on a particular rune, individuals can delve deep into its meaning and energy during meditation sessions, allowing for profound personal insights.

  • Protection: Historically, runes were carved onto objects to serve as talismans. Today, many still use runic symbols for protection, either by carrying a rune stone or drawing the symbol in their space.

Finding Your Own Path with Divination at Spiritual Phoenix Studios

Though runes aren't our specialty at Spiritual Phoenix Studios, the world of metaphysics is vast and interconnected. Whether you're drawn to the tarot's intricate archetypes, the potent vibrations of crystals, or the guidance of spiritual coaching, each path is valid and illuminating.

If you're in Girard, Ohio, and feel called to explore the world of divination and spirituality further, we welcome you to our intimate space. Our array of tarot cards, oracle cards, Lenormand cards, and carefully curated crystals await you, offering answers, solace, and empowerment. Dive deep into spiritual practices, rise from the ashes, and enlighten your journey with us.

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Chakra Balancing with Crystals: Healing Your Energy Centers

The concept of chakras, energy centers within the body, has been a central part of Eastern spiritual traditions for centuries. Each chakra corresponds to specific physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of our being. Keeping these energy centers balanced and aligned is essential for overall well-being.

Using crystals for chakra balancing has gained popularity in the West in recent years. Crystals are known for their unique vibrational energy, which can help to harmonize and align the energy of the chakras. In this post, we'll explore how you can use crystals to balance your chakras and enhance your well-being.

Understanding Chakras and Their Significance

Chakra, derived from Sanskrit, means "wheel" or "disk." It refers to the energy centers within the body that help regulate all its processes, from organ function to the immune system and emotions. There are seven main chakras, each corresponding to a specific color and energy frequency:

  1. Root Chakra (Muladhara) - Red - Located at the base of the spine; represents stability and grounding.

  2. Sacral Chakra (Svadhishthana) - Orange - Located below the belly button; governs creativity and sexuality.

  3. Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura) - Yellow - Located in the upper abdomen; associated with self-esteem and confidence.

  4. Heart Chakra (Anahata) - Green - Located in the center of the chest; represents love and compassion.

  5. Throat Chakra (Vishuddha) - Blue - Located in the throat; governs communication and self-expression.

  6. Third Eye Chakra (Ajna) - Indigo - Located between the eyebrows; associated with intuition and perception.

  7. Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) - Violet - Located at the top of the head; represents spiritual enlightenment.

Each chakra is believed to influence specific aspects of physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Imbalances in the chakras can manifest as physical or emotional issues, making it essential to keep these energy centers in harmony.

Balancing Chakras with Crystals

Crystals are known for their unique vibrational energy, which can help to harmonize and align the energy of the chakras. Here's how you can use crystals to balance each chakra:

  1. Root Chakra (Muladhara) - Red Jasper, Hematite, or Black Tourmaline - Place the crystal on or near the base of the spine while lying down or during meditation.

  2. Sacral Chakra (Svadhishthana) - Carnelian, Orange Calcite, or Sunstone - Place the crystal below the belly button or carry it as a pocket stone.

  3. Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura) - Citrine, Yellow Jasper, or Tiger's Eye - Place the crystal on the upper abdomen or wear it as jewelry.

  4. Heart Chakra (Anahata) - Rose Quartz, Green Aventurine, or Malachite - Place the crystal on the center of the chest or wear it close to your heart.

  5. Throat Chakra (Vishuddha) - Lapis Lazuli, Amazonite, or Blue Lace Agate - Wear the crystal as a necklace or place it on your throat during meditation.

  6. Third Eye Chakra (Ajna) - Amethyst, Labradorite, or Sodalite - Place the crystal on the forehead between the eyebrows or meditate with it.

  7. Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) - Clear Quartz, Selenite, or Lepidolite - Place the crystal on top of the head or hold it above your head during meditation.

Discover Chakra Healing Crystals at Spiritual Phoenix Studios

Located in Girard, Ohio, Spiritual Phoenix Studios is your one-stop shop for metaphysical things. In our small, appointment-only shop, you can explore various chakra healing crystals, incense, books, Tarot cards, and more.

If you're new to chakra balancing with crystals, we're here to help you find the perfect crystals for your needs. Whether you're looking for specific crystals or a complete chakra healing set, you'll find a handpicked selection of high-quality crystals at Spiritual Phoenix Studios.


Chakra balancing with crystals can be a powerful practice to harmonize and align your energy centers, enhancing overall well-being. Incorporating crystals into your daily routine or meditation practice can create a sense of balance and harmony in your life.

If you're in Girard, Ohio, and looking to explore the world of chakra healing crystals, visit Spiritual Phoenix Studios for expert guidance and a carefully curated selection of crystals, metaphysical tools, and services. Enhance your well-being and experience the healing power of crystals today.

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Connecting with Spirit Guides: Tarot's Spiritual Gateway

In the mystical realm of Tarot, every card holds a unique symbolism and energy that can offer valuable insights into your life. One fascinating aspect of Tarot is its ability to serve as a spiritual gateway to connect with spirit guides, enhancing the depth and accuracy of readings. If you're looking to deepen your connection with your spirit guides through Tarot, Spiritual Phoenix Studios, located in Girard, Ohio, is here to help you navigate this transformative journey.

Understanding Spirit Guides and Tarot

Spirit Guides are believed to be spiritual beings or energies that guide and assist us throughout our lives. These guides can be our deceased loved ones, ancestors, ascended masters, or even animal spirits, offering support, wisdom, and protection. Connecting with spirit guides through Tarot can provide more clarity and profound insights during readings.

Tarot Cards, with their rich symbolism and archetypes, act as a conduit to access the spiritual realm. When you invoke your spirit guides during a Tarot reading, the cards drawn can serve as a channel for their messages, helping you interpret the guidance offered by your guides more accurately.

Invoking Spirit Guides during Tarot Readings

To enhance your Tarot readings by connecting with your spirit guides, follow these simple steps:

  1. Create a Sacred Space: Before starting your Tarot reading, cleanse your space using sage, palo santo, or any other purification method. Ensure that your environment is quiet and peaceful.

  2. Set Your Intention: Sit down with your Tarot deck and take a few deep breaths. Set your intention for the reading and express your desire to connect with your spirit guides for guidance.

  3. Invoke Your Spirit Guides: You can verbally invite your spirit guides to be present during the reading or simply hold the intention in your mind. Remember to be open and receptive to their presence.

  4. Shuffle and Draw the Cards: Shuffle the cards with your intention in mind, and draw the cards for your reading. Trust that your spirit guides will guide you to select the right cards.

  5. Interpret the Cards: As you interpret the cards, pay attention to any intuitive insights, feelings, or images that come to your mind. These could be messages from your spirit guides.

  6. Thank Your Spirit Guides: After the reading, thank your spirit guides for their guidance and support. You may want to offer gratitude through a simple prayer or by lighting a candle.

Connecting with Spirit Guides at Spiritual Phoenix Studios

Spiritual Phoenix Studios, an appointment-only metaphysical shop in Girard, Ohio, offers a range of services, including Tarot readings, Reiki healing, and spiritual coaching. Our experienced Tarot reader, Ross Cessna, can help you connect with your spirit guides during readings, offering deeper insights and guidance.

At Spiritual Phoenix Studios, you can also explore a diverse range of Tarot decks, books, crystals, and more to support your spiritual journey. Whether you're seeking tools for your personal Tarot practice or looking for professional Tarot readings, we're here to assist you on your path.


Connecting with spirit guides through Tarot can be a transformative experience, offering you deeper insights, wisdom, and support on your life's journey. The rich symbolism of Tarot cards, combined with the guidance of spirit guides, can provide clarity and direction, helping you navigate life's challenges with greater ease.

If you're in Girard, Ohio, visit Spiritual Phoenix Studios, where we offer Tarot readings, Reiki healing, spiritual coaching, and a diverse range of metaphysical products to support your spiritual journey. Connect with your spirit guides and unlock the spiritual gateway of Tarot today.

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