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The Spiritual Phoenix Studios Blog

Explore the mystical realms of spirituality with our blog. Our engaging content offers insights into tarot reading, crystal healing, Reiki practices, and facets of the occult. Located in Girard, Ohio, we guide novices and seasoned spiritual seekers on transformative journeys. Embrace wisdom, ignite curiosity, and discover a path to personal enlightenment with us.

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Tarot and Numerology: Decoding the Numbers in Readings

Numbers surround us, from the ticking of the clock to our birthdays. In the mystical realm, numbers transcend mere mathematical symbols, bearing deeper, esoteric meanings. Tarot, an age-old divination tool, and numerology, the sacred science of numbers, intertwine beautifully, offering multi-layered insights. Nestled in Girard, Ohio, Spiritual Phoenix Studios introduces you to the compelling synergy between Tarot and numerology.

The Confluence of Tarot and Numerology

Each of the 78 Tarot cards is rich with symbolism, colors, images, and of course, numbers. Whether you're drawing the 'Three of Cups' or the 'Ten of Swords', numbers play a pivotal role.

1. The Major Arcana: Starting from 'The Fool' numbered 0 to 'The World' as 21, each number provides a sequential narrative of spiritual evolution. For instance, 1 in numerology symbolizes beginnings and leadership, echoing the pioneering spirit of 'The Magician' card.

2. The Minor Arcana: Divided across four suits, the numbered cards (Ace to Ten) in each echo the vibrations of their respective numbers. The 'Six of Pentacles' speaks of generosity, resonating with the harmony and balance denoted by the number six in numerology.

🔗 Dive deeper into each card's symbolism in the Spiritual Phoenix Studios Shop collection.

Numerology in Tarot Spreads

In a Tarot reading, the spread's numeric essence can offer additional layers of interpretation. Drawing multiple 3-numbered cards like the 'Three of Cups', 'The Empress' (Card III), and 'Death' (Card XIII), can signify growth, expansion, or the need to collaborate, given that three's vibration in numerology speaks of creation and group dynamics.

Master Numbers and Tarot

In numerology, 11, 22, and 33 are revered as Master Numbers, potent with spiritual insights. While drawing cards that add up to these numbers, such as an Ace (1) and The Wheel of Fortune (10) which sum up to 11, the querent might be on the cusp of spiritual awakenings or significant life shifts.

Integrating Numerology in Tarot Readings

  1. Card Combinations: When two or more cards appear in a reading, combine their numbers. For instance, 'The Lovers' (6) and 'The Hermit' (9) sum to 15, directing you to 'The Devil' card, implying a need for introspection over external temptations.

  2. Personal Year Readings: Calculate your personal year number in numerology and draw a corresponding Tarot card to gain insights for the year.

  3. Birth Tarot Card: Sum up your birth date numbers to find your life path number and its corresponding Major Arcana card. This card can serve as a spiritual guidepost.

For personalized guidance on melding Tarot and numerology, consider booking a session with our expert readers at Spiritual Phoenix Studios.


Tarot and numerology, when harmonized, offer a nuanced lens to decode the universe's messages. Whether you're a novice or an adept, Girard's sanctuary for spiritual seekers, Spiritual Phoenix Studios, welcomes you to explore this fascinating confluence.

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