From Ashes to Enlightenment

The Spiritual Phoenix Studios Blog

Explore the mystical realms of spirituality with our blog. Our engaging content offers insights into tarot reading, crystal healing, Reiki practices, and facets of the occult. Located in Girard, Ohio, we guide novices and seasoned spiritual seekers on transformative journeys. Embrace wisdom, ignite curiosity, and discover a path to personal enlightenment with us.

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Hand-in-Hand: The Synergy of Tarot and Astrology

Astrology, the celestial study of the stars and planets, and Tarot, the earth-bound wisdom contained within cards, may seem like disparate realms of the metaphysical universe. However, when woven together, they create a tapestry rich in insights, guidance, and transformative energy. At the heart of Girard, Ohio, Spiritual Phoenix Studios delves deep into this synergy, offering a holistic view of life's challenges and opportunities.

  • A Brief Introduction to Tarot and AstrologyTarot: A deck of 78 cards, each with a unique image and symbolism, used for divination and self-reflection.

  • Astrology: The study of the positions and movements of celestial bodies and their influence on human affairs and the natural world.

When Stars Meet Cards

Astrological signs and houses can be associated with Tarot cards. For instance:

  • The fiery nature of Aries aligns with the adventurous spirit of The Fool.

  • The intuitive Cancer finds its mirror in The Moon card, a symbol of intuition and dreams.

Understanding these associations can add a layer of depth to Tarot readings, providing nuanced guidance tailored to one's astrological makeup.

Timing with Tarot and Astrology

Both Tarot and astrology offer insights into the best timings for particular actions:

  • Drawing the Wheel of Fortune could signal a favorable Jupiter transit.

  • The Tower card, with its tumultuous imagery, might reflect challenging Mars or Pluto aspects.

Synergized Readings at Spiritual Phoenix Studios

Some readers even have sessions that can intertwine both Tarot and astrology, allowing for:

  • Personalized readings that blend natal chart insights with Tarot spreads.

  • Predictive guidance, where upcoming astrological transits are paired with card pulls.

  • Deepened understanding of one's life path, karmic lessons, and spiritual growth.

Harnessing the Power of Both Worlds

While Tarot provides a snapshot of current energies and potential outcomes, astrology offers a broader view of life's cyclical patterns. By marrying the two, one can harness the profound wisdom embedded in both the stars and the cards.


The seamless blend of Tarot and astrology paints a comprehensive picture of one's journey, challenges, and blessings. Embracing this synergy opens doors to deeper self-understanding and spiritual enlightenment.

Venture further into the world of divination, spirituality, and metaphysical explorations at Spiritual Phoenix Studios’ blog. Embrace the unity of the stars and the cards, and illuminate your path forward.

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Lenormand vs. Tarot: Understanding the Differences and Uses

For centuries, seekers have turned to cards to gain insights into their future, relationships, and personal growth. Two of the most prominent systems in the world of card divination are Tarot and Lenormand. While both can shed light on a querent's questions, they differ in structure, symbolism, and reading techniques. Nestled in the heart of Girard, Ohio, Spiritual Phoenix Studios offers insights into the intriguing world of these systems. Let's delve deep and understand the nuances of Lenormand and Tarot.

Origins and History

Tarot: Originating from the 15th century Italy, Tarot started as a card game before evolving into a divination tool by the 18th century. The deck consists of 78 cards, split between 22 Major Arcana cards and 56 Minor Arcana cards.

Lenormand: Named after Marie Anne Adelaide Lenormand, a famous French fortune teller from the 18th century, Lenormand cards gained prominence after her death. A standard deck comprises 36 cards, each featuring distinct symbols.

Card Structure & Imagery

Tarot: Each Tarot card is brimming with esoteric symbolism. The cards can be intricate, with imagery ranging from The Fool embarking on his journey to the turbulent scenes in the Tower card.

Lenormand: With simpler, direct imagery, Lenormand cards like the Dog or the Clover depict daily life symbols, offering a more literal interpretation.

Reading Techniques

Tarot: Tarot readings often focus on spiritual introspection, psychological insights, and broader life themes. Cards can be read in solitary or in spreads like the Celtic Cross, focusing on various facets of a question.

Lenormand: More straightforward and practical in approach, Lenormand readings typically answer specific, worldly questions. They excel in 'grand tableau' spreads, where all cards are laid out to give an extensive overview.


Tarot: A tool for spiritual growth, self-reflection, and uncovering unconscious patterns. It often answers "why" and "how" questions.

Lenormand: Lenormand shines in answering "what" and "when" queries. It's perfect for practical insights about relationships, finances, or outcomes.

When to Use Which?

If you're seeking deep spiritual introspection, a Tarot reading might be more apt. However, for clear-cut answers about daily life scenarios, consider the Lenormand.

For those curious to explore further, Spiritual Phoenix Studios not only offers both Tarot and Lenormand readings but an array of metaphysical products to enhance your spiritual journey.


Whether you're drawn to the rich, intricate imagery of Tarot or the direct, grounded symbols of Lenormand, it's undeniable that both systems hold immense wisdom. They serve as mirrors, reflecting our innermost questions and paths.

Embark on your divination journey with confidence, understanding the strengths and uniqueness of each system. For more insights, check our blog. If you have any more topics you'd like explored or edits required, feel free to let me know!

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Spiritual Phoenix Studios Spiritual Phoenix Studios

The Mystical World of Pendulums: Tapping into Divine Wisdom

From ancient civilizations to modern metaphysical practitioners, pendulums have been a cherished tool for seeking guidance. Their simplicity belies their power. Through them, one can tap into intuition, higher wisdom, and the unseen forces that guide our lives. But how do pendulums work? And how can you harness their energy for personal clarity? Dive with us, at Spiritual Phoenix Studios, into the captivating world of pendulum divination.

The Pendulum: A Bridge to the Subconscious

A pendulum, in essence, is a symmetrical object suspended from a fixed point. When posed a question, it will swing in certain directions, offering answers based on the movement. Some believe that the pendulum bridges our conscious mind to the subconscious, or even to higher spiritual realms.

How to Use a Pendulum for Divination

  1. Choose Your Pendulum: While any weighted object can technically be used, many prefer pendulums made of crystals or metals due to their energetic properties.

  2. Cleanse and Bond: Before using, cleanse your pendulum, possibly with sage or under moonlight. This not only purifies its energy but also allows you to bond with it.

  3. Ask Your Question: Hold the pendulum still, focus on your question, and release. Note its movement: side-to-side, front-to-back, or circular motions might signify 'yes', 'no', or 'maybe', respectively, or any other assignment you've given.

  4. Interpret The Answer: The pendulum provides insight, but interpreting its motion requires intuition. Trust yourself and the response.

Explore a range of beautiful and energetically-charged pendulums at the Spiritual Phoenix Studios Shop.

Pendulums and Other Divination Methods

Pendulums pair well with other divination tools. Use them alongside tarot cards, for instance, to delve deeper into readings. Or place them over a chakra to gauge its openness or blockages. The possibilities are vast.


The world of pendulums is both mystical and accessible. They serve as a powerful reminder that guidance is always available to us; we just need the right tools and the open heart to seek it. For more insights into the world of metaphysical tools and practices, keep up with our From Ashes to Enlightenment blog.

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Spiritual Phoenix Studios Spiritual Phoenix Studios

The Mysteries of Runes: A Divination Tool from Ancient Times

In the intricate tapestry of divination methods, runes hold a unique place. Originating from ancient Northern Europe, these symbolic stones weave together history, mythology, and spirituality. While the heart of Spiritual Phoenix Studios lies with crystals, tarot, and other spiritual tools, we recognize the significance of diverse practices. Let's explore the runes, their origins, and how they've become an enchanting aspect of spiritual divination even today.

A Brief Dive into Runic History

Runes are alphabetic characters used by the ancient Germanic tribes of Europe, Scandinavia, and Britain long before the Latin alphabet was adopted. But beyond their primary use as a writing system, runes held a deep spiritual significance for the Norse and other Germanic peoples.

  • Elder Futhark: The oldest known form of the runic alphabet, comprising 24 characters, it was used primarily from the 2nd to the 8th centuries.

  • Younger Futhark: Evolving around the 9th century, this variant consisted of fewer characters - 16 and was used in Scandinavia during the Viking Age.

  • Anglo-Saxon Futhorc: Used by the early English and Frisians, it boasted 33 runes and showcased some distinct variations from its Elder counterpart.

Historically, runes were carved onto stone, metal, or wood. They were deemed powerful symbols of protection, magic, and divination. Indeed, the word "rune" itself translates to "secret" or "whisper."

Runes as a Divinatory Tool

Runes transitioned from mere alphabets to mystical symbols. They were believed to hold the secrets of the universe. Runic divination or "casting the runes" is the most common modern usage. Similar to tarot reading, runes provide insights into the past, present, or future based on the symbolism of the rune drawn.

Each rune stone carries a specific meaning. When posed with a question, individuals would draw a rune (or several runes) from a bag and interpret the message or guidance each one conveyed. While the interpretation could be intuitive, based on the querent's connection to the symbols, many also refer to ancient rune poems or established rune meanings for clarity.

Relevance in Modern Spiritual Practices

Although runes originated thousands of years ago, their spiritual appeal remains untarnished. Today, there is a resurgence in interest around runic divination, particularly amongst those who feel connected to Norse traditions or are merely intrigued by the system's rich history.

Modern spiritual seekers appreciate the directness of runes. Each character's powerful symbolism offers insightful, often profound advice. Even for those outside of Norse traditions, runes present a captivating way to connect with ancestral energies and ancient wisdom.

  • Personal Growth: Many use runes for introspection, seeking guidance in personal development, and understanding one's path.

  • Meditation: By focusing on a particular rune, individuals can delve deep into its meaning and energy during meditation sessions, allowing for profound personal insights.

  • Protection: Historically, runes were carved onto objects to serve as talismans. Today, many still use runic symbols for protection, either by carrying a rune stone or drawing the symbol in their space.

Finding Your Own Path with Divination at Spiritual Phoenix Studios

Though runes aren't our specialty at Spiritual Phoenix Studios, the world of metaphysics is vast and interconnected. Whether you're drawn to the tarot's intricate archetypes, the potent vibrations of crystals, or the guidance of spiritual coaching, each path is valid and illuminating.

If you're in Girard, Ohio, and feel called to explore the world of divination and spirituality further, we welcome you to our intimate space. Our array of tarot cards, oracle cards, Lenormand cards, and carefully curated crystals await you, offering answers, solace, and empowerment. Dive deep into spiritual practices, rise from the ashes, and enlighten your journey with us.

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Spiritual Phoenix Studios Spiritual Phoenix Studios

A Journey through Tarot: Understanding the Major Arcana

Tarot cards have long been a source of fascination and mystery, used for divination, self-exploration, and guidance. At the heart of the Tarot deck lies the Major Arcana, a set of 22 cards that hold deep symbolic meanings and form the core of Tarot readings. In this blog post, we'll take a closer look at the Major Arcana, uncovering its history, symbolism, and application in modern Tarot practice.

The History of Tarot and the Major Arcana

The origins of Tarot are somewhat enigmatic, tracing back to the 15th century in various parts of Europe. Originally used for playing games, the cards evolved to become tools of divination and self-reflection. The Major Arcana, sometimes referred to as the "trumps" or "keys," forms the spiritual backbone of the Tarot, representing universal themes and life's major lessons.

Understanding the Structure of the Major Arcana

The Major Arcana consists of 22 cards, each with unique symbolism and meaning. They are often divided into two segments:

  1. Cards 0-10: These cards depict the Fool's Journey, representing a spiritual quest, starting with the Fool (0) and progressing through life lessons and experiences.

  2. Cards 11-21: These cards represent universal principles and spiritual enlightenment, culminating in the World (21), signifying completion and fulfillment.

The Fool's Journey

The Fool's Journey is a metaphor for the journey through life, and the Major Arcana's structure follows this path.

  • The Fool (0): The beginning, innocence, and spontaneity

  • The Magician (1) to The World (21): The progression through wisdom, challenges, triumphs, and enlightenment

Universal Principles and Symbols

The second segment of the Major Arcana conveys deeper spiritual insights, often associated with astrological signs, elements, and other mystical symbols.

  • Strength (8): Inner strength and courage

  • The Hermit (9): Introspection and seeking inner wisdom

  • The Sun (19): Joy, success, and celebration

Interpretation and Application in Modern Tarot Readings

Interpreting the Major Arcana in Tarot readings requires an understanding of both the individual cards and their relationship within the spread. Here's a breakdown of some key cards:

  • The Fool: Embarking on a new journey, taking risks

  • The Lovers: Choices, relationships, and moral dilemmas

  • The Hanged Man: Pausing to reflect, surrender, a new perspective

  • Death: Transformation, endings, and new beginnings

The positioning and combination of the cards reveal intricate insights into the querent's life and potential path.

Major Arcana in Different Tarot Decks

Different Tarot decks may present variations in the imagery and symbolism of the Major Arcana. The Rider-Waite-Smith deck is perhaps the most recognized, but others like the Thoth Tarot or the Wild Unknown bring unique interpretations and artistic styles.

Tips for Working with the Major Arcana

Whether you're a seasoned Tarot reader or a curious beginner, here are some tips to deepen your connection with the Major Arcana:

  • Study Each Card: Understand the symbolism, imagery, and meaning.

  • Connect Intuitively: Spend time meditating on each card, sensing its energy.

  • Use Guidebooks: Many decks come with guidebooks that provide detailed explanations and interpretations.


The Major Arcana's captivating imagery and profound symbolism make it a central aspect of Tarot's mystique. By understanding its history, structure, and application, readers can gain deeper insights into themselves and the world around them.

Diving into the Major Arcana is not merely a study of cards but an exploration of life's complexities, mysteries, and universal truths. Whether used for personal growth, guidance, or merely reflection, the Major Arcana stands as a powerful testament to the human experience and the spiritual journey.

Embark on this path of discovery with an open heart and a curious mind, and let the Major Arcana guide you through the maze of life's lessons and triumphs. Share this guide with fellow seekers, and let the journey through Tarot bring wisdom, clarity, and enlightenment to all.

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