Spiritual Phoenix Studios

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Reading for Yourself: Navigating Personal Biases in Tarot

Reading Tarot cards for others can be a fascinating journey into the unknown, offering insights and guidance. But what happens when the seeker is you? The intimate act of self-reading with Tarot offers profound insights but also brings forth the challenge of personal biases. At Spiritual Phoenix Studios in Girard, Ohio, we value the power of Tarot and the importance of clarity in readings. Join us as we navigate the realm of personal Tarot readings, ensuring transparency and precision.

The Temptation of Personal BiasesWhen we read for ourselves, there's an inevitable intimacy with the cards. This intimacy can lead to interpreting the cards in a way that aligns with our hopes, fears, or expectations rather than what they genuinely signify.

Strategies for Clear Self-Readings

a. The Neutral Mindset: Begin your reading with a short meditation, grounding yourself and setting the intention for unbiased insight.

b. Seek Clarification: If a card's message seems vague or overly influenced by personal feelings, pull additional cards for a broader perspective.

c. Journaling: After a reading, jot down your initial impressions. Returning to these notes later offers fresh insights and helps recognize recurring patterns or biases.

d. Use Pre-established Spreads: Opt for structured spreads that provide specific positions for cards, reducing the temptation to mold their meanings to fit a narrative.

Embrace External Perspectives

While personal readings are valuable, occasionally seeking an external reading, like those offered at Spiritual Phoenix Studios, provides a fresh lens, free from personal interpretations.

Practice and Patience

Mastering self-readings takes time. The more you practice, the better you become at distinguishing the voice of intuition from personal biases.

The Rewards of Self-Reading

Despite its challenges, reading Tarot for oneself is an empowering journey of self-discovery, introspection, and personal growth.


Tarot, as a tool for divination, holds the power to mirror our deepest selves. By actively working to recognize and navigate personal biases, we can harness this powerful tool's true potential, achieving clarity and genuine insights into our journey.

For a deeper dive into the world of Tarot, its intricacies, and its application, visit the Spiritual Phoenix Studios’ blog. Embark on a journey that promises spiritual enlightenment and personal growth.