Protection Resin Incense - Reinforce your spiritual barriers


Banish bad vibes with our protection resin incense.

Hand-blended with natural frankincense, dragon’s blood, and wood betony.

Ships within 2 business days.

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Secure your aura and spiritual well-being with the profound strength of our hand-blended Protection Resin Incense. Crafted with intention at the heart of Spiritual Phoenix Studios, this unique resin harmoniously melds the powerful energies of frankincense, dragon’s blood, and wood betony, creating a protective shield like none other.


  • Protection - Envelop yourself in a divine shield, safeguarding your spirit from any external negativity.

  • Courage - Stoke your inner courage, allowing you to face the unknown without trepidation.

  • Grounding - Anchor your energy, ensuring you remain connected and rooted to the Earth's core.


  • Awareness - Sharpen your intuition, becoming more attuned to energies and potential pitfalls around you.

  • Confidence - Amplify your self-belief, empowering you to journey through life with certainty and grace.

  • Guidance - Allow the universe's wisdom to guide you, ensuring your path remains illuminated.

Helps With:

  • Avoiding Danger - Instinctively navigate away from potential harm, bolstered by the protective energy of dragon’s blood.

  • Transformation - Embrace change, feeling protected during moments of personal metamorphosis.

  • Consciousness - Elevate your spiritual consciousness, fortified by the sacred fusion of frankincense and wood betony.

Our Protection Resin Incense blends the sacred frankincense, the potent dragon’s blood, and the protective energy of wood betony, ensuring a genuine and deeply protective metaphysical experience.

✈️ Ships within 2 business days.

🚗 Curbside Pickup Available - Effortlessly collect your spiritual essentials, with our seamless curbside service.

🔮 Appointment-Only Shopping - Dive into a personalized spiritual shopping experience, exploring the myriad of mystical offerings at Spiritual Phoenix Studios.

Reinforce your spiritual barriers and stand tall against external forces with the empowering essence of our Protection Resin Incense. Discover the protective alchemy only at Spiritual Phoenix Studios in Girard, Ohio.

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