Manifestation Resin Incense - Unlock the pathways to your dreams


Open the road to abundance with our manifestation resin incense.

Hand-blended with natural frankincense, cinnamon, nutmeg, cedarwood, and ginger.

Ships within 2 business days.

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Unlock the pathways to your dreams and desires with our potent Manifestation Resin Incense. Concocted with purpose and precision at Spiritual Phoenix Studios, this incense blend merges the powerful energies of frankincense, cinnamon, nutmeg, cedarwood, and ginger. Each ingredient, meticulously chosen, synergizes to pave your road to realization.


  • Road Opening - Clear blockages, paving a smooth path toward your desires and aspirations.

  • Luck - Align with the universe's benevolent energies, welcoming serendipity and good fortune into your life.

  • Success - Transform your hard work and intentions into tangible, triumphant results.


  • Willpower - Bolster your inner resolve, helping you stand steadfast in the face of challenges.

  • Focus - Fine-tune your mental energies, allowing you to zero in on what truly matters.

  • Persistence - Cultivate unwavering dedication, ensuring you persevere through any hurdles that come your way.

Helps With:

  • Overcoming Obstacles - Fortify your spirit to navigate and surmount barriers with grace and resilience.

  • Courage - Ignite the brave heart within, empowering you to chase after even your loftiest dreams.

  • Commitment - Foster deep-rooted devotion to your goals, ensuring you remain true to your course.

The aromatic dance of frankincense's spiritual elevation, cinnamon's warmth, nutmeg's enchantment, cedarwood's grounding notes, and ginger's spicy kick, make for an experience that's more than just sensory—it's transformational.

✈️ Ships within 2 business days.

🚗 Curbside Pickup Available - Collect your metaphysical tools with ease and efficiency, right at the curbside.

🔮 Appointment-Only Shopping - Delve deeper into the world of Spiritual Phoenix Studios. Book an exclusive slot and explore our haven of spiritual wonders.

With the Manifestation Resin Incense from Spiritual Phoenix Studios, infuse your rituals, meditations, and daily life with an aroma that’s not only captivating but purposeful. Elevate your manifesting prowess and turn dreams into reality.

Meditation Resin Incense - Journey deep within
Courage Resin Incense - Face life's adversities
Aloeswood Incense - Dive deep into tranquil serenity
Imagination Resin Incense - Unlock the boundless world
Wood Betony Incense - Nature's Protective Embrace