Imagination Spell Kit

from $29.00

Unlock your creativity and order our imagination spell kit today.

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What’s in the Kit?



One Celestite

Intentions: Astral Realm, Inspiration, Spiritual Energy

Powers: Clarity, Compassion, Motivation

Helps with: Reducing Stress, Increasing Wisdom, Developing Skills



One Carnelian

Intentions: Creativity, Inspiration, Visions

Powers: Healing, Introspection, Manifestation

Helps with: Self Respect, Shyness, Reducing Stress



One Citrine

Intentions: Creativity, Dreamwork, Abundance

Powers: Authority, Manifestation, Clearing the Mind

Helps with: Overcoming Fear, Problem Solving, Protecting Influence



One Rough Selenite Cube

Intentions:  Magical Power, Adaptability, Moon Magic

Powers: Visions, Clarity, Harmony

Helps with: Calm, Decisions, Reconciliation

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One Votive Imagination Spell Candle

Scented With: bergamot, lemon, magnolia, and lavender.



One Stick of Palo Santo

Intentions: Communication, Prayer, Cleansing

Powers: Clarity, Harmony, Nurturing

Helps with: Soothing Emotions, Adaptability, Calm

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One Jar of Imagination Resin Incense

Made With: natural frankincense, benzoin, myrrh, sandalwood, and rosemary.



One Roll of Swift-Lite Charcoal Tablets

10 tablets per roll

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We have our beliefs but make no claims implied or otherwise that our products have special powers.

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Imagination Spell Kit Correspondences*

Intentions: Creativity, Dreamwork, Inspiration

Powers: Magic, Luck, Success

Helps with: Balance, Banishing, Breaking Hexes

Element: Fire

Planets: Sun, Jupiter, Mars

Zodiac Signs: Aries, Leo, Capricorn

Tarot Cards: The Emperor, Strength, The Wheel Of Fortune, Temperance, The Tower, The Sun, Judgement, All Wands, All Knights

Chakra(s): Sacral Chakra, Third Eye Chakra

Crystals: Celestite, Citrine, Carnelian

Incense: Clove Cinnamon, Copal, Precious Chandan

Hand Blended Incense Powder:  Imagination Incense Powder

Pure Incense Ingredients: Copal Resin Incense

Kit: Imagination Spell Kit

*This is shared for educational and informational purposes.

Imagination Spell Kit Walkthrough

Opening the Spell

  1. Cleanse Your Space and Crystals: Use the Selenite Cube to cleanse your space and the imagination-enhancing crystals (Blue Kyanite, Carnelian, Rainbow Fluorite). This prepares a creative and open environment for your ritual.

  2. Invite Positive Energy: Light the Palo Santo stick to fill the space with its uplifting smoke, setting the stage for inspiration and creativity.

  3. Prepare Charcoal and Incense: Light a Charcoal Tablet in a bowl of salt or sand, then carefully sprinkle Incense over it. The scent helps to open the mind, fostering a space where imagination can flourish.

Charging the Crystals

  1. Intention Setting with Crystals: Gently handle each stone, focusing on the intention to unleash and enhance your imaginative powers. Envision the crystals sparking new ideas, creative solutions, and artistic inspiration.

Candle Ritual for Imagination

  1. Channel Energy into the Candle: Holding your creative intentions in mind, light the Candle. Visualize the flame as a beacon of creativity, illuminating your thoughts with imaginative and innovative ideas.

  2. Concluding the Spell: Let the candle burn for a brief moment to symbolize the ignition of your imagination, then carefully extinguish it, encapsulating your creative intentions.

Closing the Spell and Self-Reflection

  1. Spell Closure: End your ritual with a statement like, "My mind is open, my imagination boundless, this spell is cast, so mote it be."

  2. Self-Reflection Questions: Reflect on your creative process:

    • How do I feel now compared to before the ritual in terms of creativity?

    • What new ideas or visions came to mind during this ritual?

    • How can I nurture and integrate these creative thoughts into my daily life?

Reconnecting to the Spell's Energy

  • Relighting the Candle: To tap back into the creative energy of your ritual, relight the candle during future creative sessions. Use its light as a symbol of continuous inspiration.

  • Holding the Stones: Touch the stones whenever you seek a surge of imaginative energy. Reflect on their qualities to stimulate creativity and innovation.

  • Burning Incense: Light the incense again to recreate the imaginative ambiance of your original spell. Let its aroma be a sensory cue to open your mind to new possibilities.

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