Spirituality and Magick | Pros and Cons | Blended Models
Hey, what is up, you beautiful bastards? We're back with episode four. Renji is joining the chat with us, and we're going to get right into it. I don't want to waste any time.
Episode Four
What is spirituality
What is magick
Assets and liabilities of each
A blended model
What is Spirituality?
Spirituality is the act of coming into your right relation with yourself and the world at large.
What do I mean by right relation? Right relation is effectively being in alignment with the world at large. So it means being respectful, even if people are somewhat dickish to you; I mean, don't take their bullshit, but be the bigger person. It's a hard road to walk, but it's essential, in my opinion, to have that kind of character. So that's what I think spirituality is, just being a decent person and doing the next right thing for the right reason. it is a big picture intent.
Another aspect of spirituality involves ancestry. This process involves thinking about how you relate to the future generations and how you relate to the previous generations and understanding your responsibility and role in your current life. This process is about looking at your actions, the actions you take, and filtering them through integrity and alignment with your beliefs.
Are you carrying yourself in a way that you can respect? If not, is there a reason that you're carrying yourself in a way that you can't respect? Do you feel called to do something out of character for you?
Spirituality also involves working on the attitudes that you carry towards yourself, the attitudes that you carry towards life in general.
Spirituality is a lot bigger concept than sharing shitty memes online or trying to manifest a yacht. It's about integrity. One of my favorite definitions of integrity is "doing what you said you were going to do long after the mood has left you." A massive part of spirituality is staying true to yourself, even when no one's looking.
Responsibility to hold yourself to a higher standard, responding to situations because you feel called to do so, and taking responsibility for how you carry yourself. This practice isn't about policing other people; this is about policing yourself because responsibility is one of the most effective forms of self-love, and it's about having responsibility for what comes after you're here, it's planting trees that you will never enjoy the shade of um, spirituality in like, one sentence is "be excellent" to each other wild stallion's bro, if you can't see the meme or if you can't see the video of this and you're watching it, you're listening to it or reading it.
I have a picture of bill and ted um, which is why I did air guitar, which you also didn't see, but whatever, you're missing out.
What is magick?
I use a hybrid definition Magick is the art of creating changes in consciousness and reality in conformity with will. So I think that's pretty straightforward.
I will use schedules to create changes in my attitude, and when I make changes in my mood, I can create changes in the external world. I like chaos magic because it focuses on shifting small things in big ways, like looking at probabilities and understanding that you only need to have a one or 2% increase in probability in certain areas to make significant gains.
Magic is like a spiritual technology, that is how I'm phrasing it here, and I love that concept. What I mean by that is magick is a process of harnessing spiritual energies and utilizing them for your betterment.
What magick consists of may differ from person to person. For me, strategies in my magickal arsenal include spells, divination, mediumship energy work, summoning, and things of that nature. I conceive all of those things to be magic-oriented; spirituality is the practice of communicating to clear your channels and psyche. Magic is the art of learning to channel universal energy.
Pros of spirituality
teaches humility
teaches balance
teaches restraint
teaches compassion
teaches tolerance
All of these things are great when used moderately.
Pros of magick
can even the odds
can increase power
can increase security
can increase influence
can create your results
can increase influence
can create results
Magic is for people who either have no power or have a lot of power and need protection. If you're kind of in the middle, you don't need magic.
So if you're listening to this, you're likely embarked on your magickal path under similar circumstances.
Cons of Spirituality
Can be an opiate
Savior syndrome
No Kool-Aid Please
Can be an opiate
The opiate aspect of spirituality is that you can be one of those people who focus on manifesting all of the things you want rather than doing the things you need to do and helping the people you need to help.
The love and light, positive vibes only mentality keeps you stuck because there are many things that you have to look at to move forward. Not everything is love, light, sunshine, rainbows, and kitten whiskers.
So get the funk over it.
Savior syndrome
Savior syndrome is thinking that you have to save everybody and that you have the only true way and that your way is THE WAY. This practice is evangelizing your experience.
No kool-aid please
Spirituality can turn very cult-like very quickly. But cults in themselves aren't bad. It's the ideology behind them and how the people involved utilize power and influence.
Spirituality only can leave people vulnerable too.
Cons for Magick
Thirst for power
Descent into madness
Hungry ghost
Thirst for power is obvious. You get a taste of power and you want more of it.
Descent into madness is kind of what occurs when the thirst for power gets strong enough; it's power at all costs, no matter what happens.
And then the hungry ghost is effectively when that descent into madness has consumed all of you. It's consumed all of you, and you don't give a shit about anything, and you've kind of lost your soul at that point, and it is like being a hollow or an Espada in bleach. It can lead to addiction to power if people don't have some principles or some guiding compass of how to relate to other people. For example, atheists still have a lot of moral beliefs that aren't founded in spirituality. Their principles are founded in the understanding that being a good citizen benefits everyone. Magick without principles can lead to this being a selfish dick head is what I was trying to communicate poorly.
Um, here's the hit magick and spirituality are intentionally kept separate to keep you from your power. So you're often shown magic as a separate entity and granted, um, anybody who studies any of the books will understand that spirituality is inherent there. In my understanding, spirituality is the instruction manual for the safe use of magick. But the spirituality that you're given is I don't want to say it's incorrectly because people find meaning and purpose through it. There's a lot of stuff left out of it—the same thing with magick.
Why is it like that?
Psychopaths are in power. That's one of the most straightforward answers I can give you. Many people in power might not have your best interests at heart, and whether or not that's by design or it's just that shit floats to the top, I don't know. And if you look at how things are structured, that's true.
Safety is another reason it's kept separate and watered down. If everybody had access to understanding spirituality and magic things might not go so well. While there would be many good people, there would be the propensity for a lot of evil to be done. So it might be wise to keep them separate unless people are searching for it and willing to find it.
A bit of both is probably the actual truth, which means some psychopaths that understand this and intentionally suppress this knowledge. Also, This knowledge has some things that keep it hid from the wrong hands by nature.
Yeah, that's what I got anyhow. The blended model is my favorite, and I have a picture of Grant Morrison there. I don't know where this is from, but you program a reality now do it.
Blended Model
Right use of power
Right restraint of power
Sustainable long-term rhizomatic growth*
*by rhizomatic, I mean that it works like a mushroom.
I don't know if that's the right word, but mushrooms form in this very, very interesting way. Maybe mycelial was the word that I wanted. I don't know if rhizomatic is correct the more I think about it, but they work together in an interesting way.
Misuse of a blended model.
Perverse use of power
Will impose control
Focused on short term
This practice is kind of the religion of self or the spirituality of self. This occurs when manifestation gets heavily involved in some of the darker aspects of magic. Now granted, I'm not saying anybody that's doing manifestation is evil. That would be stupid.
Very few people end up in the blended models in general, like in a substantial or meaningful way anyhow, recapitulate, like I'm sick of hearing myself talk.
Spirituality is about tuning into the natural power of the universe.
Magic is learning to channel it. And if you look, the world channel is literally in the word channeler, which is one of the terms of a magician, and then source or source energy is literally in the term sorcerer; wow, look at that.