You are magic.

About us

Welcome to Spiritual Phoenix Studios, a family-owned metaphysical shop that's deeply rooted in a legacy of spiritual exploration and a profound journey of self-discovery. Our story is one of transformation, healing, and a dedication to helping others find their unique paths to inner peace and well-being.

Our Roots: A Spiritual Legacy

Spiritual Phoenix Studios has its origins in the rich experiences of my family. In particular, my journey began with the adventures of my grandparents on my mother's side. They traveled the country, sharing the wonder of gems and minerals with people far and wide. Their passion for the earth's treasures ignited a spark within us, a passion I continue to nurture today.

Moreover, my grandmother, a remarkable figure in our family's history, had a deep connection to the occult and possessed unique psychic abilities. Her mystic wisdom and insights have continued to inspire and guide my spiritual exploration. I honor her memory by creating a space where the mystical and the spiritual can flourish.

A Personal Transformation

The path that led me to establish Spiritual Phoenix Studios was not always clear or easy. At a young age, I discovered my psychic abilities but chose to block them out, unknowingly embarking on a challenging and dark journey. It took a spiritual emergency to uproot my life and redirect my purpose.

Part of this redirection involved a dramatic shift in my career. I transitioned from the hectic world of culinary arts to the enchanting realm of card reading and the world of crystals. This shift opened doors to self-discovery, healing, and a profound connection to the metaphysical.

Evolution of My Vision

Throughout the years, my concept has evolved into what Spiritual Phoenix Studios is today. I now operate a small metaphysical shop right from my home, creating a welcoming space for individuals seeking spiritual growth, guidance, and well-being. I believe in the power of intention and offer carefully selected crystals, tarot cards, and other metaphysical tools to help you on your journey.

But my mission extends beyond the physical shop. I am passionate about creating content that explores the intricate intersection between spirituality, magick, and mental wellness. My experiences have taught me the importance of addressing mental health and embracing our unique conditions.

Embracing Our Authentic Selves

Over the course of my healing journey, I have uncovered valuable insights about myself. I've discovered that I am autistic, grapple with ADD, and face the challenges of bipolar one disorder. These facets of my identity are an integral part of my life experience, and I’m dedicated to breaking down stigmas surrounding mental health.

Spiritual Phoenix Studios serves as a sanctuary for me, providing a balanced and healthy life despite these conditions, which can make traditional employment challenging. I’m proud to offer a space where everyone, regardless of their circumstances, can explore their unique spiritual journey and find peace within themselves.

Thank you for being a part of my story. I look forward to guiding you on your own path to self-discovery and well-being at Spiritual Phoenix Studios.